Sunday, September 2, 2012

Early Format Trolling Deck

Monster [9]
3 Card Car D
3 Maxx C
1 Gorz
1 Laval Golem
1 Morphing Jar

Spell [4]
2 Pot of Duality
2 Chain Strike

Trap [27]
3 Accumulated Fortune
1 Ceasefire
3 Dimension Wall
3 Jar of Greed
3 Just Desserts
3 Legacy of Yata-Garasu
3 Magic Cylinder
2 Ojama Trio
3 Reckless Greed
3 Secret Barrel

Side [15]
2 The Agent of Mystery - Earth
3 The Agent of Creation - Venus
3 Mystical Shine Ball
3 Master Hyperion
1 Honest
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Heavy Storm

Normally Chain Burn decks do not have an extra deck, but this deck is... yeah you see it. Insert Gachi Gachi, Armory Arm, whatever synchro xyz in there that fit an Agent Angel deck.

So, what's the point of the deck? Trolling of course LOLOL

Not many decks have the ability to fight Chain Burn in duel 1. Assume that you get an instant win for the first round, your strategy will depend on match-ups.

How do people side against Chain Burn: Royal Decree, MST, Night Beam, whatever kind of spell/trap negation/prevention/destruction. They also side out the Solemn trio (suicidal solution against Chain Burn), that's when Master Hyperion and his friends come.

How to side:
3 Magic Cylinder
3 Dimension Wall
2 Chain Strike
1 Lava Golem
3 Secret Barrel
1 Legacy
1 Jar of Greed
1 card of personal choice

Generally you should side out all the passive burn card and Secret Barrel (it's quite slow IMO) but keep in the draw engine along with burn cards that give around 2000 damage. Trio is annoying and it helps Just Desserts/Ceasefire.

However, there are times when you should keep your main deck unchanged except for Heavy Storm and Dark Hole (against Decree, Raiou, whatever that stop you). Like... Plant Synchro, Machina Gadget.... such classic aggro decks whose match-up against Agent is better than Chain Burn.

Card choices explanation:

Maxx C: Stop opponent from overextending, get free cards and dig your deck for Gorz/Lava Golem.
Gorz: Free beatstick, an out to troublesome monsters and extra damage from battle.
And these 2 cards work with Agent Angel themselves, the main point LOL
Lava Golem: Another out to annoying monsters.

That's it, for the first deck on this blog. Try trolling people for yourself haha.


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