Sunday, January 6, 2013

Gishki deck

Another decklist! I've been very busy lately and the result is the lack of post on this blog. I'm trying to keep myself writing at least 1 post per week so here's another deck that I came up with lately

Gishki deck [40]

Monster [23]
3 Evigishki Zeal Gigas
3 Gishki Abyss
3 Gishki Vision
3 Gishki Shadow
3 Gishki Beast
2 Gishki Ariel
2 Card Trooper
2 Maxx "C"
2 Tragoedia

Spell [13]
3 Gishki Aquamirror
3 Salvage
2 Night Beam
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn

Trap [4]
2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
2 Bottomless Trap Hole

2 Gustaph Max
1 Wind-Up Zenmaister
All the good rank 4 xyz monsters
(don't take the extra deck on DN seriously because I have some OCG cards in there)

The deck is pretty simple: Summon double Zeal Gigas, clear opponent field if you have better luck than mine, then attack for 6400 and finish game with Gustaph Max

It's also very easy to play. First you need Aquamirror, Zeal Gigas and a copy of Vision/Shadow/Zeal Gigas. After summoning the first Gigas, you have a lot of option to continue: Salvage, your normal summon (usually Gishki Beast reviving Gishki Abyss). I can't explain here but once you take the deck into action, you'll find it no complicated at all

Some tricks here:

  • Beast revives Abyss. Read Gishki Abyss, it has a Stratos-like effect, not Gearframe-like
  • Card Troopers dumb stuff for your Beast, clear Rai-Oh for your 9 searchers
  • Ariel searches Beast. It helps you access Shock Master (flip Ariel search Beast, normal summon Beast get back another Ariel/Shadow, make Shock). Also Beast leads to good rank 4 xyz plays, notably Zenmaister to abuse your Ariel
  • Tragoedia steals opponent's REDMD or Tragoedia by discarding Zeal Gigas. Zeal Gigas could be returned to hand right then thanks to Aquamirror. Sometimes Tragoedia can act like a ritual tribute for Zeal Gigas because it's level 10
  • Gustaph Max is a bitch, considering the huge amount of damage Zeal Gigas can deal
  • Daigusto Phoenix is a hidden bitch. Tragoedia + Gishki Abyss/Vison can become 3000 damage.
  • Abyss Dweller (easy access thanks to Beast) + Zeal Gigas = 5900 damage. This looks stupid but damage is really important
Some people do not play Ariel. It's slow considering you need your normal summon for Abyss, but the goodness of rank 4 xyz monsters is too good to exclude Ariel. It can also search what Abyss can search for.

And don't try to add Warning/Judgment, because Zeal Gigas pays a lot. It's no uncommon paying 2000 damage a turn. And within 2 turns you'll find yourself paying more than a first-turn Solemn Judgment.

The deck can OTK easily, but if you fail you may die just as quickly because your life point is always pretty low. The deck needs setup, and you have to take damage during this process.

About match-ups. Nothing is too bad except for Macro Cosmos. Because Zeal Gigas is too big, most decks out there are not a problem. Of course Shock Master is always a bitch, that's why Maxx C is included in the deck.

That's for today. Thanks for reading xD


  1. Try Surface?Get back Abyss,add a Zeal Gigas,then XYZ with another Abyss to Daigusto Phoenix/Gantetsu.Btw,nice blog

    1. I don't think the card is good enough...

      There're a lot of duels in which I never used Abyss at all. I mean Abyss is good, but not a irreplaceable part of the deck, and also not the "star" of the deck.

      I'm not that kind of player who likes to play random one-of tech cards. You can see that in all of my decks, I maxed out on almost every card I play. My theory is, if you want to draw it, play more copies of it.

      About surface, in specific situations it'd be good, but playing 1 is never enough, while playing more than 1 would be too much. Also whenever I can play Surface effectively, Salvage is always better to have. Aside from reviving Gishki Abyss (assuming you have another Abyss on field, which rarely happens), what will you do with Surface? Get back a Gishki for tribute?

    2. Get back Beast.With Abyss,it's an instant +1
