Let's get right into it.
Note that it's my wishlist, not my predictions
1. Glow-up Bulb to (at least) 1
By the time Bulb was banned (one year ago), it's pretty overpowered.
It can be used for any synchro summon (unlike Debris Dragon or Quickdraw Synchron), can easily be searched/summoned from the deck (Sangan, Lonefire Blossom, One for One), can be reused without any cost, and has synergy with everything
But now, when ALL the good staple synchro monsters are banned (aside from Scrap Dragon, TG Hyper Librarian, Catastor), what will you use Bulb for? You really think the +2 combo of Librarian and Formula Synchron is still as powerful as before? Nope. Who wants to draw 2 random cards when that one can search directly for the cards he wants anyway? And that combo is rarely pulled out. What synchro monster do you really want to make?
The only good use of Bulb that I know is in Karakuri Machina Plant (which was/is my favorite deck LOL). Otherwise, double synchro summoning does not mean much anyway. Reborn Tengu anyone?
Now take a look at Deep Sea Diva. She can be used for any synchro summon, can be easily searched (through Undine, which can be searched with Abysspike, which can be searched with Abyssphere, which can be searched with Megalo), can be reused consistently (Salvage, Abyssturge) and create plus(es) on its own. One Diva against an open field can be a massive 3800 damage and become Stardust Dragon in Main Phase 2, OR 3400 damage and become Dewloren, which reuses Marksman, in Main Phase 2. Take a fucking look Konami, Deep Sea Diva = Dewloren + Marksman in hand, plus 3400 damage. SO FUCKING BALANCED
2. T.G. Striker to 2/3
After all what does this card do outside of T.G. Agent? T.G. Strike + Gadget = Barkion anyone? LOL
Sure T.G. Striker + Agent of Creation Venus = 7600 damage or 5800 + Gachigachi or double Gachi Gachi. However, considering a combination of Tour Guide, Venus and Hyperion is an OTK (500 + 1500 + 1800 + 1800 + 1600 + 2700 = 9900), is T.G. Striker that good anymore? Especially when Agents have equally powerful combo, and the Tech Genuses can be dead late game. I know that those combos are pretty broken, but just take a damn look at Mermails, or Wind-Ups, or the Fire Fist, or the Fire King Garunix whatever
3. Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier to 1
What's the best way to make Trishula? You have to use at least 2 cards (Lonefire + Monster Reborn, Debris + Doppelwarrior/Foolish Burial, Dragon Ravine + Zephyros the Elite, Unknown Synchron + Rescue Rabbit,...), and you clear 1 card from your opponent hand, 1 card from the field and 1 card in the graveyard. The graveyard banishing part is quite important before, but now? What do you want to banish from Wind-Ups, Mermail's, Fire Fist's... graveyard? It's not against Garunix, Chaos Dragon, but what else?
So let's say Trishula creates a +1 (lose 2 cards, clear 2, get Trishula on field). 2 cards for a +1 is a bad combo, comparing to Shark Magician, or Genex Undine, or just 2 Deep Sea Diva, or even a lone Tenki into Bear. And are you confident that you'll resolve Trishula successfully? Eating Warning is an instant -1, getting Veilered is and one-for-one, and Maxx "C" exists
4. Allure of Darkness to 2/3
"Who wants 2 random draws when everything can be searched anyway?". Also the DARK theme is getting worse and worse, whereas the "elemental" themes are getting more supports from Konami. Do you really thing Allure of Darkness speeds the game up a lot? I don't. I don't want to banish Tour Guide, Gorz, Tragoedia,... either
5. Deep Sea Diva to 1
Mentioned above
6. Atlantean Dragoon BANNED
Because it makes Genex Undine too strong. You can search for, maybe the whole Mermail deck with Dragoon. You say Abysslinde and Abysspike cannot be searched? They have Abyssphere.
And the whole Atlantean theme is stupid. The mechanic of YGO has "paying cost" as something we have to lose in order to gain benefits from other cards. Now being paid for cost is the way to trigger their effects? FUCK YOU KONAMI
7. Tenki, Bear to 1
Look at Reinforcement of the Army. And Tenki can be searched with their monsters, AND the exceed
About the Bear. You lose an useless spell (most commonly Tenki), clear a monster and get a good new spell. 1-card "combo" for a +2. So balanced
8. Fire King Garunix to 1
Because getting Raigeki'd every Stand By Phase is so balanced.
9. Rescue Rabbit to 1
Instant exceed summoning is not good. Instant overpowered xyz summoning is stupid. Yes I'm talking about Laggia, Dolkka and Ophion.
You say the reasoning for the hated card is too simple? Because they are obviously overpowered and bad for the game
That's for today, let's wait for another format to come and hope it will be better
Now I'm seriously thinking of playing only in the early part of each format, where overpowered things are gone and more overpowered things are not released yet
Like Wind-Up,Mermail and Fire Fist won't get hit in next banlist.Hope Trishula,Bulb and Striker will return.There'll so many combo if they return