Wednesday, January 23, 2013

YGO March 2012 wishlist (second, probably last part)

1.Rescue Cat released

What does the cat do after all?
Instant rank 3? We have Tour Guide
Instant rank 2? We have Deep Sea Diva
Instant rank 1? LOL
Instant synchro level 4-5? Diva does it all aside from Naturia Beast? (which is very easy to get over)
Instant synchro level 6? What synchro level 6 is worth making except Barkion? (which is only effective when your opponent has Mirror Force/Dimensional Prison)
Double Airbellums chopping? Yeah it's probably the only good thing about the Cat. However I don't ever think that it's consistent enough when you put the Cat, Airbellums and some random beast in your deck. X-Saber is a different story, and I want X-Saber back

From here I'll talk about more general stuffs. It's probably in stupid order but I hope you understand me

2. More backrows can be played

In the mean of limiting Mystical Space Typhoon and maybe Night Beam, stopping printing broken backrow-hate cards like Zenmaioh, Marksman, the new Firefist,... The game should be more interactive between the 2 players. I don't like the simple game of clearing backrows and push for game. Stupid

3. Fewer and more difficult, complicated OTK combos

Wind-Ups, Mermails, Geargia (Karakuri), Hieratic,... can easily put 8000 damage on board in 1 single turn with different ways of doing it. The game should be more about thinking for every specific situation, not about learning combos by heart

4. Maximum of +1 for each card

Diva, Tour Guide, Rescue Rabbit is pretty broken, but still acceptable considering how Garunix, Tenki/Bear,... create advantages. I like the way HERO Beat plays, every card is one-for-one or +1, not that kind of decks when drawing the one (or the two) card (ex. Genex Undine, Magician Shark, Ultimate Offering + Gadget,...) means winning. Yeah Stratos + Reborn is also lame, undeniably

5. Draw more, search less

You say you don't want to lose to good hands so search cards should be released so that anyone has an equal chance of doing his own combos? I disagree, simply because skills in YGO mean playing it out in any given hand, situation,..., not learning combos by heart (yet again). A card with effect like "Discard a Hieratic monster to draw 2 cards" should be more rewarded than the straightforward Seal of Convocation

6. Less searching/summoning massively from deck

Because your deck is the only place that does not need any setup. The recent bad formats are bad because everything comes out from the deck (Tour Guide, Rescue Rabbit, Carrier Zenmaity, Inzektor Dragonfly/Centipede, Deep Sea Diva/Abyssphere,... Doing that once or twice a duel is okay, but doing that for the whole game is stupid




I know nothing in this post could ever become real, but this is my wishlist so...


But I'm still stick with YGO, until forever

Again I'm looking at the OCG for new ideas, and I have something to show you about those Phantom Beast Planes. Say tuned!


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