Thursday, February 21, 2013

OCG March '13 Wind-Up OTK combos

1. Magician + Shark + 1 level 4 (Summoner Monk, Thrasher, Instant Fusion,...)

=> Magician + Shark (4) + Rat (DEF) + Thrasher
=> Papillo + Shark (4) + Rat (DEF) Activate Papillo detach Magician change Rat to ATK, Rat ss Magician
=> Papillo + Shark (4) + Rat (DEF) + Magician Shark to level 3
=> Papillo + Shark (3) + Rat (DEF) + Magician + Rabbit banish Rat, xyz Rabbit and Shark into Leviair, ss Rat (ATK)
=> Papillo + Leviair + Magician + Rat (ATK) Activate Rat ss Rabbit/Shark whatever you detached, xyz Invoker, ss Warrior
=> Papillo + Leviair + Invoker + Magician + Warrior
=> Papillo + Leviair + Invoker + Zenmaister/Utopia/Pearl (8000-8100)

2. Magician + Shark + TG Warwolf/Junk Forward/any level 3 that you can summon

=> Magician + Shark + Rat (DEF) + Warwolf
=> Papillo + Rat (ATK) + Warwolf
=> Papillo + Rat (DEF) + Warwolf + Magician
=> Papillo + Invoker + Warrior (4) + Magician
=> Papillo + Invoker + Warrior (4) + Magician(5) + Shark (5)
=> Papillo + Invoker + Warrior + Shark Fortress obvious OTK
(2100 + 1600 + 2400 + 2400)

3. Magician + Shark + Cyber Dragon/Solar Wind Jammer/Instant Fusion/...

=> Magician + Shark (5) + Rat (ATK) + Cyber Dragon
=> Magician + Shark Fortress + Rat (ATK) Shark Fortress detach Shark
=> Magician + Shark Fortress + Rat (DEF) + Shark (3)
=> Magician + Shark Fortress + Invoker + Warrior
=> Invoker + Shark Fortress + Zenmaister
(1600 + 2400 + 2400 + 2500)

4. Magician + Shark + Shark

=> Magician + Shark + Rat (DEF)
=> Papillo + Rat (ATK) Rat to DEF, ss Magician, ss 2nd Shark from hand
=> Papillo + Rat (DEF) + Magician + Shark (3) + Rat (ATK)
=> Papilo + Magician + Invoker + Rat (ATK) Invoker detach Shark ss Warrior
=> Papillo + Magician + Invoker + Rat (ATK) + Warrior
=> Papillo + Zenmaister + Invoker + Rat (ATK) Rat ss Shark, Shark down to level 3
=> Papillo + Zenmaister + Invoker + Acid Golem/Giga Brilliant
(2100 + 2500 + 1600 + 3000) or (2100 + 2500 + 1600 + 1800 + 300*4)

5. Spam 4 level 3 monsters, xyz 2 Invoker ss 2 Warrior, xyz Shark Fortress
1600 + 1600 + 2400 + 2400 = 8000 TROLOLOL

6. On-field Rabbit + Magician + Shark

=> Papillo + Rat (ATK) + Rabbit
=> Papillo + Rat (DEF) + Rabbit + Magician banish Rat
=> Papillo + Rabbit + Magician + Shark (3)
=> Papillo + Leviair + Magician Leviair detach Shark ss Rat
=> Papillo + Leviair + Magician + Rat (DEF) + Shark (3)
=> Papillo + Leviair + Invoker + Zenmaister/Utopia/Pearl

Some of these can be done in the TCG, but Shark Fortress is a real bitch LOL


  1. Cool! Im doing research into post-march 2013 combos too, its nice to see someone else who's not giving up on wind-ups xD. I imagine their place in the meta is different in the OCG though.

  2. With the exceed resources in OCG there could be even more OTK combos but I am myself a TCG player so I can't find them all yet

    Truth is, if you have a monster on the field, Magician Shark in hand and you haven't normal summoned, it's an OTK in most cases

    The OTK combos I mentioned are quite consistent considering TG Warwolf can be searched through Tenki, Summoner Monk and Photon Thrasher, Cyber Dragon can be splashed everywhere as tech cards, Instant Fusion is obviously good and most importantly, if you have Magician in grave and Rat + Shark in hand, it goes to the (2) combo

    However I'm not a Wind-Up player LOL. I just like to mess around with combo-based decks

  3. On the 4th combo,

    How do you get the second rat in attack position?

    1. With Magician's effect, after the second Shark is summoned

  4. combo 4 is impossible, magician summons in face up defense
