Friday, February 1, 2013

Gold Sarcophagus

The purest, simplest form of searching

I suggest this thing over draw cards like Card Car D, Trooper engine because you can get exactly what you want from your deck. 2 turns is not too long for this current game, considering the fastest deck is probably Mermail, which needs setup for 2-3 turns unless some broken draws happen

Not every deck can abuse this card well enough. Fire Fist, Wind-Up, Mermail all have very imbalanced ways of searching cards, and that's what makes them so strong. Other decks, to catch up with all those consistency, need something to do to get all those unsearchable "boss" card

Activating Gold Sarcophagus on a "boss" card does not only guarantee your 2-turn-later plays, but also puts much pressure on your opponent. People all know that letting your opponent know what you play is not a wise thing to do, but sometimes you can simply trick them with the card you'll get in 2 turns.

For example, you are playing Chaos Dragon and you just went through a series of Charge of the Light/Solar Recharge(s), and now, with a set graveyard, you activate Gold Sarcophagus to search Black Luster effing Soldier. You summon Tour Guide from the Underworld, and your opponent has a Solemn Warning set.

What should he do now? Normally activating Solemn Warning on Tour Guide seems obvious, but he's gonna face that BLS 2 turns later, and with Solemn Warning used, BLS can do a lot of damage (not only battle damage but also card advantage and such) on him. If he refuses to play Warning there, Tour Guide will make some good plus(es) for you (as everyone knows, Tour Guide is good, I'm not talking about this anymore). Otherwise, you still have your BLS waiting.

And sometimes you can just to it in the reversed order, baiting the Warning with Tour Guide and then search BLS with Sarcophagus. This will push your opponent to make some real moves before getting punished with BLS, and that would be good if you are holding Maxx "C". If he overextends, you draw. If he doesn't, BLS punishes them

The same thing an be applied to decks with boss monsters (or spells/traps) like Lightsworn (Judgment Dragon), Agent (Master Hyperion), Dino Rabbit (obviously), Malefic Necrovalley Skill Drain whatever (Malefic Cyber End Dragon), Fire King (that summoning Spell Card), Laval (Molten Conduction Field and/or Rekindling), Gadget (Ultimate Offering), HERO Beat (Miracle Fusion/A Hero Lives)...




I mean, using Sarcophagus is not purely searching, it's also some kind of mind trick on your opponent. Once, I Gold Sarcophagus'd for Honest on my first turn, and my opponent saving his traps for the whole duel for my in-deck BLS. During that time I managed to get my engine rolling (Tour Guide, Lightpulsar, Lylas,...) and when he realized his LP was dangerous, it's too late. I forgot to mention that I discarded the Honest to summon my Lightpulsar LOL

Another time when I Gold Sarcophagus'd first turn for Miracle Fusion. My opponent was like "OMG are you killing me now" and activated his over-aggressive mode. Of course he ran into my Maxx "C", had to choose between letting me draw a lot of cards or leaving his field there unprotected. From that advantage I built up my momentum and ended up killing him with Summoner Monk discarding that Miracle Fusion LOL

TL;DR: Good card for slow decks with "boss" power cards

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