Monday, April 8, 2013

Power card

I'm talking about Gorz, Effect Veiler, Maxx C, Dark Hole, Heavy Storm, Monster Reborn, Pot of Avarice, Solemn Warning, Solemn Judgment

I've been practising my Mermail without any of those cards. The 3v3 team tournament is coming soon (the whole team shares a banlist, which means 1 Heavy Storm for 3 people), and I'm the one who play the deck that doesn't need staple

I'm playing the pure TCG version of Mermail. No Tidal, no Fishborg, no Dragosack, no Abyss-scale of Mizuchi etc.. I submitted the deck on DN, and starting playing

My rating is quite high (1300 at the moment) so I faced a lot of Incarnate Dragons, Evilswarm (with Kerykeion) and Spellbook (with Judgment Day). I felt sad not having access to good card (especially Armor Kappa) but I'm not playing for the win. I play to test my skills

And I realized the deck is even better without those cards lol. It's pure Mermail, just Mermail that gives you the win. No sick top deck, gotta work with the deck completely, which brings me to another point that all these decks are so overpowered that super awesome cards like those above are not anymore irreplaceable

I don't know whether I should feel good or bad lol

1 comment:

  1. You should give me all of your power cards if you don't need them. :v You do owe me a lot if I'm not wrong
