Monday, March 11, 2013

Against Prophecy

There's not that much to do against them

Even if you somehow start with Naturia Beast/Shi En/LADD, High Priestess + 3 Books will still ruin your plan anyway

Shi En is the best choice among because he can let another Samurai die in his place, but that's not enough

If you try to catch up with the card advantage that Judgment provides, you'll lose quite soon. Only Mermail can create such advantages through Megalo, Deep Sea Diva,... in 1 turn. And Prophecy has Spellbok of Fate which works like Trishula or Book of Moon, and is searchable. You think you can get over that? Not that easy




And then I realize when I'm too tired and have nothing to do, I play my OTK decks and win quite a few games against Prophecy

They're incredibly strong after turn 1, but in your turn after that there should only be a Spellbook Magician (sometimes High Priestess) and Grand Tower on field. Because of the lack of hand traps in the nowadays builds, Hieratic and Karakuri actually stand some chances against Prophecy, especially Hieratic when we have Volcasaurus and Shark Fortress, both of which provide some more delicious OTK combos

Against Incarnate Dragon, Hieratic is good again thanks to the piercing effect of Gaia and the field clearing effect of M7 and Exa-Beetle

However, Hieratics die badly to Evilswarm

So I'm still thinking. Breakthough Skill seems good, but not enough. But trust me, the OTK rating of my Hieratic build is around 90%

And that's for today. Good luck and have fun with the Prophecy format


  1. Dùng tường thép chắc cũng block được Prophecy vài phần ( Justice, Priestess, Goethe, Necronomicon,... ) :-?
    Btw, chúc mừng bác new Moderator nhé. :))

  2. Turn 0: Spellbook of Fate set, Magician, Tower on field, pass with 5+ "Spellbook" spell cards in graveyard.
