Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Something about Dino Rabbit

First let's take a look at a typical Macro Rabbit deck that has been topping recently

Monster [17]
6 Dinosaurs
3 Jurrac Guaiba
2 Rabbit
2 Spirit Reaper
2 Tour Guide
1 Sangan
1 Night Assailant

Spell [11]
3 Forbidden Lance
2 Soul Taker
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Heavy Storm
1 Book of Moon

Trap [13]
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Dimensional Prison
2 Torrential Tribute
2 Macro Cosmos
2 Solemn Warning
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Starlight Road

So we all know about Dino Rabbit. Rabbit Tour Guide 4 traps for game.

But it changed. Now the deck turns into an anti-meta with 1900 beater and some good stuffs that have Rescue Rabbit as a game-breaking play. You can't draw Rabbits and Tour Guides all the time now. Every game is a grind game and making Evolzar after normal summoning 2 Dinosaurs is no uncommon.

Does it resemble HERO Beat? Anti-meta, 1900 beater, grind game, and Miracle Fusion is the game-breaking play.

Dino Rabbit has the advantage over HERO Beat in the form of Macro Cosmos, and the Rescue Rabbit does not require any setup. Just summon it and win (assuming you do not draw all your normal dinosaurs)

The question is... Do you really make Evolzar every game? Or maybe 1 Laggia a game. And you have to run 6 normal monsters for games like that. Sabersaurus is cool, but Kabazaul... Hell no

So here's my current DN deck:

Monster [17]
3 Thunder King Rai-Oh
3 Doomcaliber Knighht
3 Jurrac Guaiba
2 Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
2 Spirit Reaper
2 Tour Guide
1 Sangan
1 Night Assailant

Spell and trap the same as above.

What the deck lacks: Powerful plays involve Evolzar

What the deck has: Mini powerful play every turn.

Imagine when you're starting with 1 Sabersaurus and 1 Kabazaul, now that turns into 1 Thunder King and 1 Doomcaliber Knight.

And mid-game Rabbit or Dyna is both devastating, in 2 different ways. With Rabbit you have more protection, with Dyna you need more protection, but have the lockdown ability

Of course the ideal Dino Rabbit hand of Rabbit Tour Guide now turns into Dyna + Tour Guide which is... LOL

I'm not claiming this deck is better than Joe Giorlando's Dino Rabbit. But this is a good deck, I believe. At least you have the same way to approach the game (1900 beastick + traps + Cosmos)

About the deck, because Sabersaurus + Kabazaul on field become Laggia, you have to change the s/t line-up a little bit. Maybe more Starlight Road. From there, Doomcaliber Knight + Thunder King are as good

If Dino Rabbit can win out those grind games, why can't this deck?

Monday, December 17, 2012

Hieratic - Some OTK elements

Hieratic is well known for its 3-card OTK when REDMD was at 2 (and Gustaph Max was available). Now what? 1 REDMD can't do shit?

In fact there're a bunch of 3-card OTK combos for the deck. It's just not as simple as 3 Hieratics like before.

Something you should know beforehand:

Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon (REDMD)
Hieratic Dragon of Su
Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit
Hieratic Dragon of Eset
Hieratic Dragon King of Atum
Gaia Dragon the Thunder Charger
Luster Dragon #2

So let's start with the obvious/basic play: Special summon Tefnuit (or normal summon Eset), tribute it for Su and summon Wattaildragon. Make Atum, get REDMD, get back Wattaildragon

  1. Genex Ally Birdman: Bounce REDMD for Birdman. Upgrade Atum into Gaia. Remove (banish) Gaia for REDMD, get back Su/Tefnuit/Eset, make a second Atum with Wattaildragon, get Eset, synchro with Birdman for Scrap Dragon, upgrade the second Atum into Gaia. So it's REDMD + Scrap Dragon + Gaia = 8200
  2. A second copy of Su: This way you have to ss back Tefnuit/Eset with REDMD, tribute it for Su, get Luster Dragon 2, make Constellar Ptolemys M7, bounce REDMD, upgrade Atum into Gaia, remove for REDMD, summon back Atum, upgrade into Gaia again. REDMD + M7 + Gaia = 8100
  3. An on-field Tragoedia, or Call of the Haunted: Basically the same as (2). It's just another level 6 for the combo. With Tragoedia the combo must start with Eset
  4. Overdrive Teleporter: It must start with Tefnuit and it's a little bit different this way: First special summon Tefnuit, tribute for Overdrive (get Wattaildragon), Overdrive pay 2000 for Naturia Barkion. Barkion + Wattaildragon = Atum, get REDMD, get back Tefnuit. Tribute Tefnuit for Su (get Luster Dragon 2), make a second Atum, get a second Tefnuit, then Tefnuit + Overdrive = Force Focus. Finally upgrade Atums into Gaias. Gaia + Gaia + Force Focus = 8000
  5. Tour Guide: Yes, really. And start with Tefnuit again. You maybe thinking of Acid Golem? No, too risky. If you want to finish it in style, then Tour Guide into M X-Saber Invoker, then Amazoness Archer. Upgrade Atum into Gaia, so Gaia + Wattaildragon + Invoker = 6700, then let Amazoness Archer finish it.
  6. Armageddon Knight: It needs Tefnuit to start too. Summon Armageddon Knight to kick Zephyros the Elite into graveyard. Bounce REDMD, make Queen Dragun Djinn, get back Tefnuit, Tefnuit + Wattaildragon = Atum, get Eset/Su/Tefnut, remove for REDMD and ss back the detached Wattaildragon. Gaia + Gaia + REDMD + Queen Dragun + Wattaildragon = 12700...
  7. Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord: It's back to simple this time. REDMD + Exodius = Gustaph Max, then Gustaph Max + Gaia + Wattaildragon = 8100, not counting the 2000 damage. This can be done with Tragoedia too
And more, but I haven't done a deep search yet.

And what if you draw the damn REDMD? Maybe another post LOL. But drawing it is not that bad, trust me.

And to combine (almost) all those things in one deck, here is it:

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Skill Drain Machina Atlantean

No meta talk from now on as there would be no big events in the TCG until February. I'll be spending my brain work on rogue stuffs from now on. No net deck, promise

However there can be some OCG elements because I follow a lot of OCG players' blogs

A few days ago I came up with the deck. Don't get confused of the name, it's really random, more like a list of cards used in the deck

Mindset as follow:
  • I like Machina Gearframe and Machine Fortress
  • Fortress needs machines
  • Genex Undine adds machines to hand
  • Atlanteans work good with Undine
  • Fortress and Atlanteans' effects activate in grave, no conflict with Skill Drain
  • Skill Drain work good with Barbaros and the Malefic monsters, furthermore with Skill Drain on field Genex Undine can be abused as many times as possible due to negated effects
  • Malefic needs field spell
  • Geartown comes to mind as the Dragon is level 8 machine for Fortress
So, decklist: [43]

Monster [21]
3 Genex Undine
2 Genex Controller
2 Atlantean Marksman
2 Atlantean Heavy Infantry
2 Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
3 Machina Gearframe
3 Machina Fortress
1 Machina Cannon
3 Malefic Cyber End Dragon

Spell [15]
3 Terraforming
3 Geartown
3 Necrovalley
2 Duality
1 Allure of Darkness
1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm
1 Limiter Removal

Trap [7]
3 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
3 Skill Drain
1 Solemn Judgment

Extra deck not important this time.

The deck is quite simple: just push as soon as possible to deal 8000 damage

As mentioned, Genex Undine works as removal for the deck. When you have Drain up, it's an instant shoot. Without Drain, it pops a card and gets something for you Fortress. Genex Ally Birdman would combo well with Undine, but only Undine works well with it and deck space is tight

There are a lot of spare cards so Phoenix Wing is played at 3. This card is awesome, trust me. And if you played through the Tele DAD format you understand it. Genex Controller, Machine Fortress, Gadjiltron Dragon, any Atlanteans in hand, or random field spell... Many many things can be discarded without hesitation. The trap can work as monster removal, xyz hates, set monster removal in end phase,... Good card

Barbaros not included because it does not help Fortress after all. Without Drain, Barbaros sucks. And this deck is created to push early and end the game in less than 3 turns of pushing no matter what you and your opponent have, so not this time Beast King!

And the deck actually has the ability to OTK. Limiter Removal is the best card but don't hope too much because it's a 43-card deck

Talking about the deck size, 43 because there're some cards that shouldn't find the way to your hand (Genex Controller, Atlanteans, Gadjiltron Dragon)

That's it, for today's deck. Give me your opinions, I'll be fully appreciated xD

Saturday, December 8, 2012


The idea here is to change the deck into a completely different strategy after side-decking to make people side deck wrongly and take advantages from that. This can also lead to ultimate confusion for your opponent when you go to game 3: He cannot be sure if he's facing the deck in game 1 or 2. I won't be advising you to use this in small tournaments where everyone knows each other. More suitable for regionals/YCSs and big tournaments.

First is the oldest deck on this blog: Chain Burn siding into Agent

Another possible side deck can be:
1 Genex Ally Birdman
1 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
1 Luster Dragon #2
1 Wattaildragon
3 Hieratic Dragon of Su
3 Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit
3 Hieratic Dragon of Eset
2 Hieratic Seal of Convocation

You got the idea now!

Second, is my Tour Guide HERO deck [42]

Monster [13]
1 Stratos
3 Alius
3 Thunder King
2 Tour Guide
1 Sangan
1 Night Assailant
1 Gorz
1 Black Luster Soldier

Spell [16]
1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn
2 E - Emergency Call
2 Duality
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Gemini Spark
3 Miracle Fusion

Trap [13]
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Mirror Force
2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
2 Hero Blast
2 Dimensional Prison
2 Solemn Warning
1 Solemn Judgment

2 Elemental HERO The Shining
1 Elemental HERO Escuridao
1 Elemental HERO Absolute Zero (in case you have Leviathan Dragon. Replace for whatever)
1 Secret card
1 Wind Up Zenmaines
1 Leviair
1 Giga Brilliant
1 Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
1 Leviathan Dragon
1 Photon Papilloperative
1 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1 Shock Master
1 Heroic Champion Excalibur
1 Adreus Keeper of Armageddon

Tour Guide:

  • To make something you want for your Miracle Fusion: LIGHT or DARK (Brilliant),  FIRE (Zenmaines), but sadly I have no space for Nova Master
  • Get back banished Thunder King/Stratos from Miracle Fusion, or Alius if you dead-draw Gemini Spark
  • Extra solution for your opponent's cards: Temtempo for Zenmaines/Gantetsu/Acid Golem, Zenmaines for defense, Leviair to steal Wind Up Rabbit
  • For easier side-decking (see below)
Side deck:
3 Wind Up Rabbit
3 Wind Up Rat
3 Wind Up Shark
3 Wind Up Magician
3 Wind Up Factory

And the secret card was Zenmaity xD Predictable right?

Siding out:
1 Stratos
3 Alius
3 Spark
3 Miracle Fusion
2 E Call
2 Hero Blast

The idea is to hope your opponent side out Veiler/Maxx Cs. As simple.
Bottomless/Torrential may be taken too because no one wants Gemini Sparks to create pluses for me

And, lasly:


Monster [7]
2 Card Car D
1 Stratos
1 Alius
3 Bubbleman

Spell [23]
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Night Beam
1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn
1 Book of Moon
2 E - Emergency Call
2 Duality
2 A Hero Lives
3 Warrior Returning Alive
3 Miracle Fusion 

Trap [11]
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
2 Torrential
2 Call of the Haunted
2 Solemn Warning
1 Solemn Judgment

Extra deck is quite easy to build this time

2 Elemental HERO Prisma
2 Gladiator Beast Laquari
2 Gladiator Beast Darius
1 Gladiator Beast Equeste
1 Gladiator Beast Murmillo
1 Gladiator Beast Retiair
1 Gladiator Beast Bestiari
2 Gladiator Beast War Chariot
3 Test Tiger

Siding into YOLO Gladiator Beast!

1 Stratos
1 Alius
3 Bubbleman
2 E - Emergency Call
2 Miracle Fusion
3 Warrior Returning Alive
3 more cards of your choice, maybe MST/Night Beam.

Keep the Card Car D and Call because you'll need it. Miracle Fusion will serve as a tech card to abuse the fallen Stratos/Prisma. Just don't forget to add Absolute Zero and Nova Master in extra deck because if you have Stratos played, Miracle Fusion is never dead with Laquari/Murmillo around

Siding into a control deck is the idea now. In fact Veiler can hit Gyzarus but 2400 ATK is still big and you can trade it with Megalo and then Call of the Haunted'd it back for a +3

I know this GB is weak at defense so just gather your resource before YOLO. Even with a set up field you can easily get comeback'd because meta decks are too fast when you are defenseless.

Of course you can do the reversed thing: Use the side as your main deck and such...

So that's for today, thanks for reading xD

Solar Wind Jammer and more from ABYR

Quick summon on turn 0, which can help you a lot in some specific deck.

  • Solar Wind Jammer + Ninishi + Inashichi = Bureido + Naturia Beast + 1 draw + 1 search first turn which is quite respectable. You may say Instant Fusion is better but I want something that can be discarded for Machina Fortress (Cyber Dragon cannot be used in turn 0 which sucks) Or even in situations when Instant Fusion is more convenient, just save the best for last because you can eat only 1 noodle per turn. Or from the beginning you can replace Inashichi with a random level 4 Karakuri, the ending field would be 2 Bureidos 1 Nishipachi and 2 draws. Good.
  • Solar Wind Jammer + Hieratic Dragon of Eset first turn = Tiras/Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja, good setup. Or if you have protection you have a level 6 for your Hieratic shenanigan on your following turn. Better than Instant Fusion this time because it takes no extra deck slot and won't be Maxx C'd. And Solar Wind Jammer + Eset + Su would turn into Atum + REDMD + Tiras/Armor Ninja/Zenmaioh, telegraphing OTK
  • Or just setup plays that require 2 cards on the field like synchro summon for Stardust, or Cyber Valley (which can provide 2 LIGHTs for Lightray Sorcerer)

This does not look any interesting at first glance. It's true since normal water deck won't be using the effect often. Talking about this card is talking about a whole new deck idea that can be called like fullwatermonsters.dek. 

If you successfully use this card's effect, its condition is reset therefore after it goes to graveyard again, you can use the effect again. Being tribute fodder for Coelacanth seems to be the most popular use for now.

This card is released way too late LOL. I'm still imagining how sucked it is when you're playing an Inzektor mirror match with Mind Pollutant available.

Still, it can be used in most mirror matches. However, Electric Virus, Marionette Mite and Puppet Plant often do better job

Solemn Warning(s), Solemn Judgment, Skill Drain, Soul Drain, Agent of Creation Venus (kicking this into the deck is good because you won't have to face Hyperion immediately), Hope for Escape, A Hero Lives and many many more.

It's just some random looks into Abyss Rising. There could be part 2 or 3 of this post so... xD

That's for today, thanks for reading *peace*

Monday, December 3, 2012

YCS Barcelona

Apparently the European Konami staffs did their jobs very well, so everything is on the European Konami TCG Coverage, so I don't have much to do in this analysis.

Top 32 Deck Breakdown:

Wind-Ups covered almost half of the top 32, which was pretty predictable considering it's the deck with the most consistency, speed and power combined in one. Mermails followed, but scored only 6 spots in the top cut.

However, the thing I noticed the most was the absence of Machine-based deck like Karakuri, Geargia, Gadget (or any mixed variants of them), Chaos Dragon and Dark Worlds. In Europe where YCSs are held 1 or 2 times a year (and YCS Sheffield was not a constructed event), players seemed not to risk their 2 days at the event and tended to play top tier decks (I'm not sure if Inzektor is a top tier deck, but it's reasonable since it just won the last YCS in the US). Of course there's only some spots for rogue pick, and Chain Burn took that only 1 slot this time.

The top 8 consisted of 1 Mermail, 2 Rabbits, 1 Agent and 4 Wind Ups! (Shock Master too strong), and no Inzektors. Sadly (or fortunately), 3 of those Wind Ups were kicked away after the top 8, leaving the four last duelists with four different decks: Mermails, Rabbit, Agent and Wind-Ups. Jack Bruun's Macro Rabbit defeated Stephan Sluis's Wind-Ups in the semi final and moved on to face Federico Zoppini's Mermails in the final.




And this happened again! Against a field of Evolzars and Macro Cosmos, Mermails are no different from Inzektors. The final can be reported like this:

Duel 1: Jack Bruun started the game and flipped Macro Cosmos asap. After a long grind game with Deep Sea Divas and Atlantean Marksmans got Torrential'd 2 times, Bruun took it with Wind-Up Zenmaines after a clutch Solemn Warning on Zoppini's Gorz

Duel 2: Federico passed the first turn. Jack opened with Laggia, Cosmos and 2 other traps. However, Dark Hole, Heavy Storm, Abyssmegalo sealed the game on Federico's second turn

Duel 3: Jack Bruun started the game and opened with Laggia, Cosmos and 4 other traps. GG

Anyway he deserved it IMO as he is a good player who made it to the final once (losing terribly to Peter Gross's Chaos Dragon in Toulouse)

Speaking of Peter Gross, he took Inzektor to the top 16 before losing to Jack Bruun. Revenge!




So one old hated deck won again. First was Wind-Ups, then HERO, then Samurais, then Inzektor, then Dino Rabbits. LOL it's not what Konami's supposed to do.

That's what we call a meta call. But this is still ironic as hell as Madolches (what are they?), Prophecy (the spellcaster with weird artwork stolen from MTG?) and Mermails were supposed to make some impacts.

And Mermails failed in the final again. Whatever you say, I'm pleased because I hate Mermails. If you are one of the mere frequent visitors on my blog you know it. (Or you can just scroll down this post...)


I'm done. Your turn!