Monster [25]
3 Caius the Shadow Monarch
3 Spirit Reaper
3 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
3 Effect Veiler
2 Mystic Tomato
2 Card Trooper
2 Tour Guide from the Underworld
1 Sangan
1 Goblin Zombie
1 Mezuki
1 Plaguespreader Zombie
1 Chaos Sorcerer
1 Black Luster Soldier (not the ritual)
1 Dark Armed Dragon
Spell [8]
1 Allure of Darkness
1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn
1 Book of Moon
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
Trap [11]
3 Call of the Haunted
2 Solemn Warning
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Torrential Tribute
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
44-card deck with cards mostly from 2-3 years ago. I'll call this a random mess of good stuffs piloted by a legendary player from Goat era who randomly showed up for a random tournament. Every card in the deck can work on its own, and he has 5 mill engines so deck size was not a real problem. That's it. Pro's deck is pro, I can't tell anything else about this.Justin Ashe's Gravekeepers (top 8)
Monster [15]
3 Gravekeeper's Spy
3 Gravekeeper's Recruiter
2 Gravekeeper's Descendant
2 Gravekeeper's Commandant
1 Gravekeeper's Assailant
2 Effect Veiler
2 Card Car D
Spell [11]
3 Necrovalley
2 Royal Tribute
2 Gravekeeper's Stele
2 Pot of Duality
1 Dark Hole
1 Book of Moon
Trap [14]
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Dimensional Prison
2 Mirror Force
2 Torrential Tribute
2 Starlight Road
2 Solemn Warning
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
Pretty standard build with the addition of Card Car D. However I often see people playing a full set of Necrovalleys and Commandants, or 3 Commandants and 2 Necrovalleys. This guy's choice was quite... weird considering Commandant is a 2100 beatstick on its own which can be reused by Stele while Necrovalley does nothing as a second copy.
Simon He's Chaos Agent (top 8)
Monster [29]
2 Agent of Mystery - Earth
3 Agent of Creation - Venus
3 Mystical Shine Ball
3 Master Hyperion
2 Spirit Reaper
2 Tour Guide from the Underworld
1 Sangan
1 Thunder King Rai-Oh
1 Archlord Kristya
1 Black Luster Soldier
1 Chaos Sorcerer
1 Herald of Orange Light
2 Tragoedia
2 Maxx C
2 Effect Veiler
1 Gorz
1 Honest
Spell [10]
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mind Control
1 Enemy Controller
1 Creature Swap
1 Forbidden Lance
Trap [1]
1 Treacherous Trap Hole
Pretty much similar to Nicky Lacaille's Agent which finished 2nd (losing to Billy Brake's Tengu Plant) at YCS Toronto in 2011 (a lot of tech cards with no traps). However, Simon had too many tech cards IMO, which can lead to consistency issues when playing a long swiss. He managed to pull it through anyway (through Obelisk with Hyperion, Armory Arm and Gachi Gachi Gantesu. Pro's move is pro, sigh)
Daniel Vrabel's Trooper Agent (top 8)
Monster [26]
2 Agent of Mystery - Earth
3 Agent of Creation - Venus
3 Mystical Shine Ball
3 Master Hyperion
3 Thunder King Rai-Oh
3 Herald of Orange Light
2 Archlord Kristya
2 Card Trooper
2 Tour Guide
1 Sangan
1 Black Luster Soldier
1 Honest
Spell [6]
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Heavy Storm
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
Trap [8]
3 Call of the Haunted
2 Solemn Warning
2 Torrential Tribute
1 Solemn Judgment
Kind of a standard OCG Trooper Agent build. Really nothing to talk about aside from the triple Thunder Kings to help combating Geargia and Wind-Ups.
Nick Amato's Trooper Agent (top 16)
Basically similar to Daniel's decklist, minus the Tour Guides, Sangan, 1 Thunder King, 1 MST, adding in 2 Forbidden Lances, 2 Dualities and 2 Bottomless Trap Holes
Same as above LOL
Kevin Rubio's Guaiba Agent (top 16)
Monster [24]
2 Agent of Mystery - Earth
3 Agent of Creation - Venus
3 Mystical Shine Ball
3 Master Hyperion
3 Herald of Orange Light
2 Archlord Kristya
3 Jurrac Guaiba
2 Thunder King Rai-Oh
2 Maxx C
1 Honest
Spell [9]
3 Forbidden Lance
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Heavy Storm
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Book of Moon
Trap [12]
2 Call of the Haunted
2 Solemn Warning
2 Dimensional Prison
2 Torrential Tribute
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Raigeki Break
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Starlight Road
Another oversized deck that managed to top. It's something innovative in the US (I'm familiar with it in my area but US meta is different), considering people are saying things like "Guaiba is no anymore effective". Still, I doubt it a deck with more than 41 cards can work consistently as the deck's owner wants it to do. Again, he managed to succeed anyway, pro's choice is pro.
William Casaw's Lancer Frog (top 16)
Monster [29]
3 Battle Fader
3 Swap Frog
3 Dupe Frog
3 Poison Draw Frog
3 Ronintoadin
2 Treeborn Frog
3 Obelisk
2 Caius the Shadow Monarch
2 Light and Darkness Dragon
2 Sea Lancer
1 Jinzo
1 Raiza the Storm Monarch
1 Gorz
Spell [13]
3 Soul Exchange
2 Salvage
2 My Body as a Shield
2 Creature Swap
1 Enemy Controller
1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn
Trap [0]
Yet another oversized deck (from my point of view) with too many tech cards (from my point of view too). I cannot really understand how he could play with 3 Obelisks and 2 Light and Darkness Dragons. I've been playing Frogs for years, and I keep getting bad hands with dozen of stars when playing with more than 3 monsters requiring 2 (or more) tribute fodders. He even play only one copy of Enemy Controller, the card that I consider the best card in a Frog deck. Or maybe I'm too bad of a duelist LOL. My Body as a Shield is an interesting choice, also.
Joe Ellis Maddalena's "bunch of Machines" (top 32)
Monster [36]
3 Gallis the Star Beast
2 Witch of the Black Rose
1 Machina Force
3 Machina Gearframe
3 Machina Fortress
3 Genex Neutron
3 Genex Ally Birdman
3 Ghost Ship
3 Cyber Valley
3 Cyber Eltanin
1 Cyber Dragon
2 Lightray Sorcerer
1 Black Luster Soldier
1 Chaos Sorcerer
1 Honest
1 Gorz
2 Tragoedia
Spell [4]
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mind Control
You can read more about the deck here. I have absolutely nothing to talk about. I like the deck, end of story.Chris DiGregorio's Fish (top 32)
Monster [24]
3 Swap Frog
2 Treeborn Frog
2 Ronintoadin
1 Dupe Frog
3 Light and Darkness Dragon
3 Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth
3 Shark Sticker
1 Friller Rabca
1 Effect Veiler
2 Maxx C
2 Tragoedia
1 Gorz
Spell [16]
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Enemy Controller
3 Moray of Greed
2 Pot of Duality
2 Gold Sarcophagus
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Heavy Storm
I have no idea how he can do OTKs, can you guys tell me? It's a standard fish deck. The only confusing choice is that single copy of Dupe Frog. Swap Frog is the most important thing in this deck IMO, there's no reason to run less than 2 Dupe Frog.